Samarina is famous Vlachochori North Pindos, that is located near the border of Western Macedonia and Epirus. It is built at an altitude of 1,600 m. In NE slopes of Mount Smolikas (2,637 m.) and is the highest village, not only of our country but also in the Balkans. It is built between dense pine forests, beech, boxwood and bushes. It has abundant cold waters, unparalleled natural beauty and ygieinotato climate. For them the qualifications they called and baptized "Good Samarina."
Samarina characterized by lively and vigorous activity of the inhabitants in many areas. The Samarinaioi a diversified presence in modern Greek life and reality, retain Samarina as perception of life in their living place, but here and preserve the slopes Smolikas the homeland and traditions. So Samarina every year revealed more active, more alive, more dynamic, with a view to multi-level development.
The population of Samarina summer is about 3,000 inhabitants, except for the period 10 - 20 August that reaches 10-15000 residents. The extent of Samarina is 110,000 hectares and the green col of grazing sheep and 70,000 cattle.
The village has eight churches and is divided into four districts or parishes of Great Panagia, Agios Athanasios, Prophet Elijah and the Little Lady. Each of these parishes has its own festival in the summer so that the life in Samarina seem an endless feast. Aapokoryfoma course is a three-day celebration of the Great Lady on 15-16-17 August, where all worldwide Samarinaioi trying these days to attend the festival.